Check Automorphic or Cyclic Number Online

Online Automorphic or Cyclic number check is online tool to check whether a given number is Automorphic number or not.  View all Online Tools  

A number is called Automorphic or Cyclic number if and only if its square ends in the same digits as the number itself.

Automorphic or Cyclic Number Examples: 52 = 25, 62 = 36, 762 = 5776, 3762 = 141376

List of Automorphic Numbers: 0, 1, 5, 6, 25, 76, 376, 625, 9376, 90625, 109376, 890625, 2890625, 7109376, 12890625, 87109376

Also try: Generate Automorphic Numbers Online

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