Python abs() Function With Syntax & Examples

The built-in library function abs() in Python returns the absolute value of a given number (number in argument).

The number in argument (given number) can be of type integer, floating point number or complex number. Function abs() returns magnitude if the given number in argument is complex number.

abs() Syntax

The syntax of abs() function is:


abs() Examples

Few examples for Python abs() function are:

# absolute value of integer
>>> abs(-23)

# absolute value of floating point number
>>> abs(-34.56)

# absolute value of complex number
>>> abs(2+4j)

abs() Parameters

The abs() function takes only one argument. which is:

  • number - Number can be of type integer, floating point or complex number.

abs() Return Value

The abs(number) function returns:

  • When number is integer, it returns absolute integer number.
  • When number is float, it returns absolute floating point number.
  • When number is complex, it returns magnitude of complex number.
  • When number defines __abs()__, then abs(number) returns number.__abs__().

Programs Using abs()

Example 1: Finding absolute value of an integer number

Following Python program calculates absolute value of an integer number given by user. Number is read using input() function and stored in variable number.


# absolute value of an integer
number = int(input("Enter any number: "))
print("Absolute value of given number is:", abs(number))


Enter any number: -34
Absolute value of given number is: 34

Example 2: Finding absolute value of float number

Following Python program calculates absolute value of floating point number given by user. Floating point numbers are those numbers that contain floating decimal points.


# absolute value of an floating point number
number = float(input("Enter any number: "))
print("Absolute value of given number is:", abs(number))


Enter any number: -45.678
Absolute value of given number is: 45.678

Example 3: Finding magnitude of complex number

Following Python program calculates magnitude of complex number set in variable complex_number.


complex_number = 5-4j
print('Magnitude of complex number = ', abs(complex_number))


Magnitude of complex number =  6.4031242374328485

Example 4: Implementing __abs__() for custom class

We can change the behavior of abs() by implementing method __abs__() for the class we are working with. See example below:


class Custom:
    def __abs__(self):
        return 'hello'

a = Custom()

