Fixed Point Iteration Method Pseudocode

Earlier in Fixed Point Iteration Method Algorithm, we discussed about an algorithm for computing real root of non-linear equation using Fixed Point Iteration Method. In this tutorial we are going to develop pseudocode for this Method so that it will be easy while implementing using programming language.

Complete Pseudocode for Fixed Point Iteration Method

1. Start

2. Define function as f(x)

3. Define convergent form g(x) 

4. Input:
	a. Initial guess x0 
	b. Tolerable Error e
	c. Maximum Iteration N

5. Initialize iteration counter: step = 1

6. Do 
	x1 = g(x0)
	step = step + 1
	If step > N
		Print "Not Convergent"
	End If
	x0 = x1
   While abs f(x1) > e 

7. Print root as x1

8. Stop

Note: g(x) is obtained by rewriting f(x) in the form of x = g(x)

Recommended Readings

  1. Fixed Point Iteration Method Algorithm
  2. Fixed Point Iteration Method Pseudocode
  3. Fixed Point Iteration Method Using C Programming
  4. Fixed Point Iteration Method Using C++
  5. Fixed Point Iteration (Iterative) Method Online Calculator