Python Program to Check Harshad Number

In mathematics, a number is said to be Harshad number if it is divisible by the sum of its digits.

Harshad number examples: 153, 156, 24 etc.

153 is Harshad number becuase it is divisible by 1+5+3=9 i.e. 153/(1+5+3) = 153/9 = 17.

This program checks whether a given number by user is Harshad number or not.

Python Source Code: Harshad Number

# Harshad Number

# Reading number
number = int(input('Enter number: '))

# Making copy of number for later use
copy = number

# Finding sum of digit
digit_sum = 0

while number:
    digit_sum += number%10
    number //= 10

# Checking divisibility & making decision
if copy%digit_sum == 0:
    print('%d is Harshad Number' % (copy))
    print('%d is Not Harshad Number' % (copy))

Harshad Check Output

Run 1:
Enter number: 153
153 is Harshad Number

Run 2:
Enter number: 154
154 is Not Harshad Number